
Board of Trustees

The LifePath Systems Board of Trustees is responsible for the effective administration of the community center. Responsibilities include: establishing Center policy, appointment and oversight of the Chief Executive Officer, and fiscal oversight of the Center. All of our Trustees are volunteers, appointed by the Collin County Commissioners Court, and follow Texas statutes governing Community Centers.

Board meetings are held monthly in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the Collin County website. Meetings are generally scheduled on the last Thursday of each month beginning at 7pm. The public is encouraged to attend the meetings and may sign up for public testimony. Public input on community needs, gaps in services, and areas of operational improvement are always welcome. For meeting agendas, location of meetings, and copies of minutes from past board meetings, click here.

​​Download Application for Board/Committee Appointment. Completed applications may be submitted to Shona Navarre at

Board of Trustees


Doug Kowalski


Dona Watson

Vice Chairman


Arthur Cotten


Ernest Myers, Jr.

Board Member

Matt Duncan

Board Member

Rick Crawford

Board Member

Melvin Thathiah

Board Member

Matthew Foster

Board Member

Sgt. Candice Herron

Sheriff’s Department Designee